Tuesday 13 September 2011

[News]Bosco Wong & Kate Tsui Too Carried Away In Their Kissing Scenes

Bosco Wong & Kate Tsui Too Carried Away In Their Kissing Scenes thumbnail
32 years ago, “Fa-Gor” Chow Yun Fat (周潤發) and “DoDo-Jie” Carol Cheng (鄭裕玲) sealed a kiss for three minutes in classic TVB drama, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly《網中人》, thus paving the way for intense kissing scenes in the future dramas to come.
Fast forward to today, Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) and Kate Tsui (徐子珊) imitated those two seniors and even did a good job of glamorizing intense kissing scenes, smooching each other in every episode until their lips were cramped. As for whether the other party is a good kisser? Well, only they would know the truth. Even if the other party isn’t a good kisser, guess they would rather suffer bitterly in silence than to voice it out…
R = Reporter
B = Bosco Wong
K = Kate Tsui

Got despised for not being comfortable enough
R: “Have you guys kissed until your lips were cramped yet?
B: (Turns to Kate and asks her) “Are your lips cramped yet?”
K: “Still okay! Haha!”
R: “Is the other party good to kiss?”
B: “She (Kate) honestly said that I wasn’t good to kiss.”
K: “Not good, really not that good to kiss! It felt dirty and antagonizing (forced) as he stank of smoke. This was because in “Lives”, Bosco’s role as Cripple Co. required him to smoke all day long so it was really smelly and a big turn off!”
B: (Jokingly)  ”You say it like as if I ate garlic meh?”
K: “I really detest the mustache lor! It made me feel very uncomfortable!”
R: “Then in this case, Kate, what is good to kiss? If the lips isn’t good to kiss, maybe it would be better to reach inside the lips? (The reporter was referring to french kissing.)”
B: “Joking meh? We never kissed inside until so deep lah!”
K: “Yeah, we strictly abide by the yardstick imposed on television dramas.”
R: “So is Kate good to kiss?”
B: “Kate is well-known for her pair of red lips and renowned for possessing a deer-like mouth. Only one word to describe, satisfactory!”
K: “What did you mean by that ah?”
B: (Hesitantly and uncertainly) “Well, you are really famous for your thick lips mah! No meh?”
K: (Gives a dumbfounded gape and speechless stare) “Is there really such a thing?”
B: “It actually felt quite okay!”

Throwing himself into character, kissing until he felt great
R: “Among so many female stars, who is the best to kiss?”
B: “It had to be “Xiao Yi” Kitty Yuen (阮小儀), Xiao Yi’s lips are really thick, but that’s just my personal feeling!”
R: “Not good to neglect Kate’s “face” oh, is Kate amongst your top three actresses who are good to kiss?”
B: “Kate is also included, she’s in the top three position.”
R: “Is Kate as good to kiss as [Bosco's heavily rumored girlfriend] Myolie Wu (胡杏兒)?”
B: “Er……Almost the same lah!”
K: “Each of us simply can’t be compared to Myolie in any way lah!”
R: “Actually do you guys refrain from acting in kissing scenes?”
K: “When we accept the role, we would know in advance about the kissing scenes required in the script. Since we have already accepted the job on our own accord then we must accept the roles. If the plot requires us to do these, we will do so. I feel that if kissing scenes are necessary for the roles, then I will perform them lor, it’s okay for me!”
B: “Yes ah, we don’t think so much after we get into our positions for filming.”

Prefers winning rave reviews of their performances than winning an award
R: “Do you guys feel that you will win an award based on your drama, Lives of Omission《潛行狙擊》?”
B: “Kate would definitely win an award. Yes, I said that!”
K: “Yes ah, then in that case, it would be winning your award for top three actresses who are best to kiss lor!”
B: “Talking about the truth now, to me, an award is nothing much to me, I don’t care about it but of course I would be happy if it was awarded to me lah!”
R: “The neighborhoods even said that you acted way better than Laughing-Gor Michael Tse (謝天華)?”
B: “I’m just relying and depending on Michael! I feel that we each have our own acting strengths. I don’t know ah! I have always felt that winning an award is nothing much because maybe it’s only because the role is very popular with the masses. I would rather have people praising me. When this drama came out, very good public appraisals were received! They praised that I acted well and had improved. All those made me felt much more happy than receiving an award.”
R: “What do you feel about Kate’s acting performance then?”
B: “Kate really gave a liberating acting performance. I felt very comfortable partnering with her to act in dramas because Kate’s personality is really easy-going, anything will do for her, she would not be hung up over her image as a pretty girl or that she used to be a ex Miss HK winner…there’s nothing like that coming from her. Acting is just purely acting, Kate has no emotional or psychological baggage restraining her. Thus I felt that it was comfortable partnering with her. I even saw that she kept improving, the more she acted, the more natural she was in front of the camera.  Even when we were shooting the opening scene, I could feel that she has her own thinking. In a nutshell, I strongly support Kate Tsui to win the award!”
R: “Kate, what do you think about Bosco then?”
K: “Bosco and I have known each other for quite some time now. I feel that having audiences who identifies with your efforts is much more significant than winning an award. I remember that on the first day of filming, everyone wanted to come up with something fresh and new. In the end, it was our combination that brought something different to everyone. If only there was an award for “Most Improved Onscreen Couple”, I feel that we will have a high chance of getting it lor! We really put so much effort into our roles.”
B: “Yes, even though many people placed more emphasis into our kissing scenes, but if they were attentive enough, they would notice that the kisses in the opening episodes, middle episodes and the final episodes were all different and each carried a different meaning.”

The intersection between love and hatred is overpowering
K: “We used plenty of efforts into building up the relationship between these two characters, Cripple Co. and Paris. Just like what Bosco had mentioned earlier, I acted very liberally but there was definitely a need for this. Bosco is one good partner. Since there is a new award almost every year, can they add on some new award to encourage him (Bosco)?”
R: “Michael Tse’s Laughing-Gor and Fala Chen‘s (陳法拉) Madam Jo are after all the main centralized couple in this series, will you guys feel pressurized in this case?”
B: “Our characters’ romance and their characters’ romance were remotely different. Even before we started filming, it was already decided that their character’s romance would be traditional and conventional while our characters’ romance would be a abnormal one.”
K: “Our main focus was to come up with something unconventional, something new. In the past drama series, very little had scenes as intense as ours, which was such a loving, hating and agitating romance.”
B: (Adding on to Kate’s words) “Not to forget our strong and “heavily flavored” dialogues. We would have to say things like “I’m calling a prostitute” and “I’m feeling unhappy because my “aunt flow” is here”, those kind of dialogues.”
K: “Yes ah, we will also use our might to slap, smack and box each other, totally jumping out of the television’s boundary.
Epilogue: There’s mustache but not much, so?
Kissing someone out of no reason, when you have no physical attraction to him or when you are not acting with him, is indeed really tough.
On the day of the interview, the photographer requested Bosco to kiss Kate for a photo. Initially, the duo immediately agreed but just as everything was set and ready and awaiting for their kiss, Kate suddenly backed out and said, “I think it’s not good for us to kiss!” (Reporter: Why?) “Bosco’s growing a mustache again! (Kate meant Bosco still had stubbles of hair above his lips)”
Upon hearing this, everyone immediately went silent and a cloud of dead air filled the scene. Well, guess only one person in TVB City or even in the entire world, can kiss Bosco anytime and anywhere and that is none other than “her”.

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