Thursday 8 September 2011

[News]Michael Tse Not Afraid That Stephen Chan’s Camp Will Fight For TV King; Kate Tsui Denies Fighting For More Screentime

Michael Tse Not Afraid That Stephen Chan’s Camp Will Fight For TV King; Kate Tsui Denies Fighting For More Screentime thumbnail
TVB drama, Lives of Omission《潛行狙擊》, is still currently broadcasting and heating up the television screens of households. This thus made Michael Tse (謝天華) and Kate Tsui (徐子珊) a fast-rising target of magazines out there.
There were rumors that with Stephen Chan‘s (陳志雲) official return to TVB, he was planning to support either Wong Hei (王喜) or Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) up to be TV King, which could burst Michael Tse’s dream of becoming TV King. It was also rumored that in a bid to be more outstanding than Fala Chen (陳法拉) in new drama Schemes of East and West《東 西宮略》, Kate Tsui had apparently requested the producer to add in more scenes for her but later quit the drama after her plan to gain additional screen time backfired.
Yesterday, Michael Tse, Kate Tsui, Ella Koon (官恩娜), Mag Lam (林欣彤) and etc attended the recording and praying ceremony for “Macau Shopping Festival 2011: The Entire City Moves Along” (tentative title) .
Stephen Chan’s return to TVB had set off rumors of a massive shift in the TV King and Queen positions, even indicating Wayne Lai, Wong Hei and etc of “replacing” Michael as the top contender.
In reply to this, despite facing with all kinds of speculations, Michael’s confidence of winning the TV King award did not waver one bit. Michael even professed that he did not need to respond on who would be TV King, “I do not need to comment on this. There has been too many sensationalized news, I will always respond only to the truth.” (Reporter: Starting to feel the pressure from the intense competition for TV King?)  ”No. Just felt that everyone will talk about this issue sooner or later. Furthermore, when I walk on the streets now, many people chase after me to ask about the finale of “Lives of Omission”, feeling more happy than stressed.”
As for rumors that Stephen Chan’s return had divided the artistes into two different camps, the “Stephen Chan camp” and the “Virginia Lok camp”, Michael clarified that the company has never split into any camps, “Actually it [the splitting into camps] isn’t portrayed by Mr Chan himself but rather, it was portrayed by the outside world. I feel that everyone only has the same target in mind and that is, working for TVB.”

Kate Tsui was, on the other hand, pestered to answer rumors that she lost out the role of Xia Ying Chun from TVB upcoming drama “Schemes of East and West”, which was eventually awarded to Sharon Chan (陳敏之), because she had allegedly threw a tantrum and refused to share equal screen time with Fala Chen.
In reply to this, Kate helplessly said, “Never heard about these news. Sounds quite interesting though. Previously, Tommy Leung (梁家樹) [TVB Deputy Chief-Director and Producer] did discuss with me about this drama but at that time, he hasn’t determined the roles yet and I couldn’t take on the drama after that as it clashed with my work schedule.” (Reporter: Don’t wish to collaborate with Fala Chen?)  ”No such thing. We had just co-operated and completed a series together so how could that be possible?”
(Isn’t it a case of it’s either choosing between me or her and no coexistence?) “How could that be, the company is already short-handed, we can’t wait for more people to come and join the company so that we can have more time to head out and earn more money.” (Fala Chen is your biggest opponent for this year’s TV Queen award?) “I only know that I have five dramas out this year. However, I look highly upon Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) as I heard that she gave a stellar performance in TVB Anniversary drama, The Queen of All《萬凰之王》.”
*Warning: Possible Spoilers for “Lives of Omission” ahead*
In other news, there has been a circulation of a so-called “Lives of Omission” ending around the web but netizens were skeptical about whether the ending was true. In that ‘unconfirmed-to-be-true” ending, most netizens widely discussed about how Fala Chen’s Madam Jo turned out to be a turncoat police while Kate Tsui’s Paris was, in fact, a police undercover agent. As for Bosco Wong‘s (黃宗澤) Cripple Co. having a “brokeback” romance with his underling Bao Deng (爆燈) in that ending, netizens felt that it was nothing but hogwash.

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