Monday 15 August 2011

[News]Louis Koo's 10 million income takes a cut all in one stroke

Louis Koo's 10 million income takes a cut all in one stroke

Last year following Louis Koo's torn ligaments on his right leg, he suffered from a relapse from past injuries and even his wrist suffered from a calamity. Louis was forced to put all his work on hiatus indefinitely. In a short period of time, he lost nearly 10 million of income! However, Louis understands the principle that you cannot earn all of the money in the world and health is the most important. He definitely doesn't want to be a 'crippled millionaire'!

(The rest is Louis Look speaking...)

It is inevitable for injuries when shooting a movie, I believe we all remember that I underwent surgery on my leg to repair my torn ligaments. Actually the doctor already warned me before the surgery, "If you are a civilian, I don't recommend you do this surgery because it is only after the surgery that you will truly understand what 'crippled' is." As I had to deal with all of my future action scenes, I insisted 'a quick clean cut'. Half a year after I was discharged from the hospital, of course I couldn't budge, even if its just normal walking, I had difficulty. I felt so useless.

Cancelled all activites

Just when I'm back to my normal life, a week ago my mother invited friends and relatives over to our house and offered them slippers and hot tea. When they all left, they didn't put back the slippers in their original places. In the evening when I came home, I didn't notice the. misplaced slippers all over the floor, I stepped on one, slipped and fell. I knew I was in trouble when the pain couldn't compare to before, and the results confirmed that the problem went for an 'extension' to the meniscus! Also I had my wrist injury, so I was forced to put all my work on hiatus, and rest at home. I am still currently waiting for more detailed reports. As it is inconvenient for me to walk, I already cancelled all of my public activities and business trips. For the meantime, it is probably around next month that I will start considering step by step of my return to work.

No matter what the report says, I know in the short term, it is impossible to rely on surgeries to win back my freedom to move. Regarding my surgery last time, the doctor put a few fiber nails on the 'perfect points' of my two knee caps and then I will have to wait until they completely dissolve. If I have to do another surgery, I will at least have to wait for another year and a half first! This time the injury involves the meniscus, which is tentatively estimated to have cracked. The current medical knowledge have not advanced enough to be able to get to the root of the problem. All will have to rely on natural healing. Thinking optimistically, there are some goods from this setback because I now know more about.
Credits : Asian EU

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